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Carole Goble on reproducible research
Keynote: Results may vary: what is reproducible? why do open... - Carole Goble - ISMB/ECCB 2013
Carole Goble - Research Software Sustainability takes a Village
eResearch / eRangahau 2024: Keynote Dr Carole Goble, University of Manchester
03 Carole Goble
Plenary lecture: Carole Goble
CW14 Video 3: "Results may vary" - Reproducibility Science Software
SEEK for Science: A Data Management Platform which Supports Open and Reproducible Science
PSB 2020 Keynote - Carole Goble
JOBIM2021 - Keynote Carole Goble
Carole Goble: FAIR History and the Future.
Carole Goble talk: FAIR Computational Workflows